For the 2013 AGM of the London Cycling Campaign, I have along with Alex Crawford (missmouse) submitted the following motion on the need to expand LCC's membership base...
"LCC exists to represent and further the interests of cyclists in London, and our organisation is an integral part of the wider cycling community in the capital. Over the years we have achieved much, and have an impressive media profile given our small membership base. But therein lies a problem. With only 12,000-odd members we are severely limited in what we can do, and as a campaigning and advocacy body LCC is nowhere near as representative as it could be of London cyclists as a whole.
"We call on the LCC secretariat, board of trustees and borough groups to launch a massive membership drive throughout all sectors of the London cycling community, capitalising on recent British triumphs in the Tour de France and on the Olympic velodrome track. In addition to enhancing our political clout, an increased income from membership dues will allow LCC to fund more projects, and devote more human resources at both London-wide and local levels."
LCC is the only cycling organisation in London that engages in advocacy and political lobbying for the benefit of cyclists in London. We work closely with borough councils and TfL on road layout, junction design and modification, and provide input to high-level transport policy discussions.
Membership of LCC is valuable in material terms, what with the third-party liability insurance and bike shop discounts included in the benefits package, but most of all LCC is a channel through which London cyclists can engage with state agencies and other corporate bodies, and have a major cultural impact through the media.
My own focus as an LCC member is on social ride leading. I organise and lead rides for experienced road warriors and novices alike, and when it comes to the latter I get people on bikes for the first time, help build their confidence, and ensure that they continue cycling. This is an important part of LCC's work.
We have our faults, and I have personally been critical of the organisation and its leadership, but there is nothing else in London quite like LCC. On a UK-wide scale CTC does the same kind of work, but there is in my view and that of many others a need for a London-focused cycling lobby. That is LCC.
If you are not already a member of LCC, please consider joining. If you are a member, or plan to become one before October, make sure that you use your vote in the election for the board of trustees. The ballot will open in mid-September.
Other AGM motions that I have submitted, or to which I have contributed, concern corporate sponsorship ethics and the London Cycling Awards.
Time to resurrect an old discussion thread.
For the 2013 AGM of the London Cycling Campaign, I have along with Alex Crawford (missmouse) submitted the following motion on the need to expand LCC's membership base...
LCC is the only cycling organisation in London that engages in advocacy and political lobbying for the benefit of cyclists in London. We work closely with borough councils and TfL on road layout, junction design and modification, and provide input to high-level transport policy discussions.
Membership of LCC is valuable in material terms, what with the third-party liability insurance and bike shop discounts included in the benefits package, but most of all LCC is a channel through which London cyclists can engage with state agencies and other corporate bodies, and have a major cultural impact through the media.
My own focus as an LCC member is on social ride leading. I organise and lead rides for experienced road warriors and novices alike, and when it comes to the latter I get people on bikes for the first time, help build their confidence, and ensure that they continue cycling. This is an important part of LCC's work.
We have our faults, and I have personally been critical of the organisation and its leadership, but there is nothing else in London quite like LCC. On a UK-wide scale CTC does the same kind of work, but there is in my view and that of many others a need for a London-focused cycling lobby. That is LCC.
If you are not already a member of LCC, please consider joining. If you are a member, or plan to become one before October, make sure that you use your vote in the election for the board of trustees. The ballot will open in mid-September.
Other AGM motions that I have submitted, or to which I have contributed, concern corporate sponsorship ethics and the London Cycling Awards.