• #2
I cant help as ill be at work but I have a bike trailer which people are welcome to use if needed
• #3
I don't think I'll be able to help with build, but I'm up for take down, is there going to be a separate list for that?
• #4
- Max
- Max
• #5
I don't think I'll be able to help with build, but I'm up for take down, is there going to be a separate list for that?
yup, on the 'volunteer here thread'. i think you are already down.
• #6
I have no idea if I'll be available till nearer the time but will be there for setup and takedown if I can.
• #7
Me and Mya get back from Barcelona at 3pm on the Thursday, so can pop down after to help tidy up.
• #8
I'm available Monday for takedown
07896 421 556 bill dot chidley at gmail
• #9
I'm khornight at either gmail or ymail dot com (and a few other addresses)... But pm'ing me on the forum will probably get a faster reply!
Don't like the idea of giving my mobile number on open forum, it's on the league thread though... And I think Ryan's go it anyway.
• #10
- Max
- Clem
Count me in since I will be in town late on wednsday night.
- Max
• #11
In brackets for now as I might have to work. will know by tomorrow evening and will PM you details then.
- Max
- Clem
- (Apollo)
- Max
• #12
- Max
- Clem
- (Apollo)
- Adrienne (build)
- Max
• #13
ive got two drills and one impact driver that i'll bring.
i'll bring the magic bus if stuff needs transporting?
• #14
I may need a lift from SW2 ... it's really far.
• #15
Pfft, it's only 15 miles from mine, can't be that far from yours.
• #16
I may need a lift from SW2 ... it's really far.
ok, but can you handle half an hour of UKG?
• #17
I'm into it now.
• #18
Not really ... I'll ride.
• #19
Would rep if I could.
• #20
hey Nik, i can help out on Thursday (got the day off work ;-) )
name: io
phone no.: zero double 7 nine one six 0 seven double zero 9
email: ioanna_m at hotmail dot com -
• #21
I'm down !
Name : Dany
phone : (+420) 773 seex for zeeraw 289
email: 7SeveM7 at dem geemail folks.As for breakfast, Croissants for my royal French arse please. :D (kiddin')
• #22
just found out that we do not have the courts on thursday! so the build will now be friday am! sorry for the short notice, just found out myself!
will be in touch with more details ASAP
• #23
Nik, as mentioned before, Therese and I can help build on Friday.
• #24
Luca and I will be down as early as possible on Friday to help out.
• #25
Is anyone driving / riding with a trailer from South East? Not too stoked on the idea of riding up with x2 drivers and batteries + all my polo shit. Or I could drop them somewhere in the week so they can be taken to Highbury with other stuff (goals, etc)
Hey everyone,
So thanks to everyone who has offered to help with the court build! Ryan and I are finalising materials etc.
So the plan for the court build is to start EARLY (TIME TBC) FRIDAYThere will be coffee and breakfast for all volunteers!
We are going to split into 3 groups, each with a head builder!
Ideally we want at least 4 people to a team.
So i would like anyone who has said they are available to help with this so far and those of you who havent put your name down yet to do so below adding a few details:
phone no.
vegan/vege/meat (this will dictate what you get for breakfast!)
if you dont want to put the info on the forum please try to pm me if you can and we can keep everyone updated!
Again, thanks to everyone who has offered to help with this! i reckon it'll be a smooth operation!