It's the Oxonian event on the H50/17 near Southmoor, so it's local for me and I think I've done a couple of 25s on that stretch before.
I've no idea how I predict my time/target speed based on my recent 10s and 25 but I guess I'll hold back a bit for the first 50 and then hammer the second lap.
I think I have my PB on that course. I really need to get a better 50 done this year though. Stupid p_nct_res.
50s aren't paced much slower than 25s for me, maybe losing 2 minutes each half?
I think I have my PB on that course. I really need to get a better 50 done this year though. Stupid p_nct_res.
50s aren't paced much slower than 25s for me, maybe losing 2 minutes each half?