Yes too wimpy, that's a plumbing bender for light gauge copper.
I know what look you want to achieve, but it needs space to carry it off; you're going to have a lot of saddles, bends and coupler boxes, something that may look too cumbersome in a small flat.
I think black iron would look better than galv. a mate did a warehouse in wapping where they stripped the black off then polished with beeswax, looked the bees knees.
also, as it's an electrical installation it'll have to meet BS7671. that means correct sizing of tubes for circuits, correct bonding, and certification. I'd say you'd be better off using an industrial electrician to do it.
Yes too wimpy, that's a plumbing bender for light gauge copper.
I know what look you want to achieve, but it needs space to carry it off; you're going to have a lot of saddles, bends and coupler boxes, something that may look too cumbersome in a small flat.
I think black iron would look better than galv. a mate did a warehouse in wapping where they stripped the black off then polished with beeswax, looked the bees knees.
also, as it's an electrical installation it'll have to meet BS7671. that means correct sizing of tubes for circuits, correct bonding, and certification. I'd say you'd be better off using an industrial electrician to do it.