No idea what the brand of frame is. I'll upload photos this evening but am getting nagged enough that I thought I'd get the ball rolling.
I bought this off eBay around 6 months ago for the wife but it's too big. A 57/58cm'ish Reynolds 531 frame/forks with Shimano 600 groupset (except for the 105 shifters I think). The hoods are grubby and the saddle isn't great but in good nick, but everything else seems sound. A few chips on the drive-side chainstays.
Bought for £250, selling for the same unless I'm massively misguided. I can't split it as I don't have the tools. Inspect it and collect it from Herne Hill or Shoreditch (nr the Overground).
No idea what the brand of frame is. I'll upload photos this evening but am getting nagged enough that I thought I'd get the ball rolling.
I bought this off eBay around 6 months ago for the wife but it's too big. A 57/58cm'ish Reynolds 531 frame/forks with Shimano 600 groupset (except for the 105 shifters I think). The hoods are grubby and the saddle isn't great but in good nick, but everything else seems sound. A few chips on the drive-side chainstays.
Bought for £250, selling for the same unless I'm massively misguided. I can't split it as I don't have the tools. Inspect it and collect it from Herne Hill or Shoreditch (nr the Overground).