• It's a case of not getting yourself hooked therefore a serious bout of common sense - plus the driver being waved through has to give way to the cycle/bus lane by law, so you're perfectly at liberty to carry on (only if it's safe) through the bike lane if you don't feel comfortable stopping.

    Highway Code # 183 https://www.gov.uk/using-the-road-159-to-203/road-junctions-170-to-183

    Cycling through when cars have stopped to allow other traffic across the lane is another matter. It annoys the piss out of me, since the cars slowing and stopping and inviting traffic into my trajectory have usually just overtaken me, so they do it even though they should know there is a cyclist on their inside. I do think car drivers and other vehicle operate on the assumption that their stopping dictates anything behind them stops, so I frequently get beeps because I haven't waited dutifully in line. If I can I'll generally filter through on the right to make myself more visible to the oncoming car moving to turn right. I've never had a problem yet, touch wood, as I usually only a momentary delay before the cars can complete their pissing about.
