• #627
^ Really!?
• #628
• #629
Are the tops of those shovels and that bit of MDF rude or do they just not want their identity revealed?
• #631
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3078/5838865318_1c0778c8c6_b.jpghttp://48x17.com/wp-content/media/2013/01/IMG_42171.jpghttp://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_l92gajABxI1qbxdabo1_r1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1375256012&Signature=giAdV4cvsX1pZzZ6yf%2FXayU8M1M%3D#_=_ -
• #632
this is blowing my mind
• #633
Yep. So fucking nice. What seat post saddle stem...
Forget it.
just want. -
• #634
^Unicanitor saddle?
• #635
• #636
^Quite possibly ok paint, but out of focus so who can be sure.... and it clashes with the mop.
• #637
Only seems to be a potatochop, theres more of that bike in next 5 pages...still turned out nice tho (not sure if paint porn-worthy):
• #638
Decal porn..?
• #639
C'mon!!! The vivalo decals are sparkly...great! But that isn't pain porn!
• #640
It is a nice colour at least!
• #641
^Unicanitor saddle?
• #642
Yep. So fucking nice. What seat post saddle stem...
Forget it.
just want.All will be revealed...
• #643
• #644
• #645
not really logic, there should be yellow on the seatstay too
• #646
what a stupid idiot, that Ralavinka guy
• #647
Lol, the bike isn't even finished, where are the gears?
• #648
• #649
what a stupid idiot, that Ralavinka guy
this thread is called paint porn, not most famous manufacturers.
• #650
QE9s3HEEncBR7uQ,yE0g~~60_12.JPG) Beautiful dolan on ebay