• playing devils advocate... when I see vid after vid of - guess fucking what - yet another decent-but-nothing-special rider chucking their brakeless bike down a rail I see

    0/10 - creativity
    0/10 - style
    ?/10 - fun [no idea how much fun they're having]

    I have no problem with people chucking themselves down rails, or making vids of it, or those vids geting posted on here... but style and creativity... not seeing loads.

    BMX racing is part of BMX, but I do hate the way the olympics implied BMX = BMX racing, when the reality is BMX racing is a subset of BMX that is completely irrelevant to those BMXers who dont race and has practically nothing in common with the rest of BMX.

    Lol because 100 different combinations of flip whips over a jump box is so much more creative... You're not watching the right videos because surprise surprise you have an opinion on something you know fuck all about.
