• #47852
This looks like it could be a good buy.
• #47853
something for the kids. including the price ...
• #47854
Sadly not anywhere near my neighourhood, so I'll leave this here. Top-end Rossin , SLX-frame. Very much worth a repaint...
• #47855
to the guy who pipped me to the line on this - damn you!
• #47856
Ahem - that would be me. I've got slight buyers remorse though, so if it's not exactly what I'm after I'll let you know.
That said, I've been looking for one for a while, so I expect it to be awesome :) -
• #47857
http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Hewitt-22-Track-Bike-/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/SBkAAOxyBC1R9UWI/$(KGrHqR,!ngFHPFcBjU3BR9UWH8d0w~~60_12.JPG The seller says the bike frame is 22inches, it looks smaller than that. Maybe its just my eyes playing tricks on me again or the camera angle.
• #47859
Funniest thing I have read in a while!
• #47861
Is this the biggest rip off I've seen under the label 'Vintage'? Can anyone shed some light over this model, can't find much info online. Thanks!
• #47862
'nulli secundus' is the lug design
• #47863
Campagnolo Delta Eddy Merckx Road
Dutch online trading site but really a bargain
• #47864
Bargain in stockport for a smaller person
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brian-Rourke-22-Road-Bike-ex-Ponti-brand-/321174047440?pt=UK_Bikes_GL&hash=item4ac7770ad0 -
• #47865
• #47866
Campagnolo Delta Eddy Merckx Road
Dutch online trading site but really a bargain
Bidding starts from 600... Marktplaats is near fucking impossible to get a good deal on, so easy for people to welch on deals and bypass the bidding.
• #47868
Interesting paint job on this dolan. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171081705446?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648
• #47869
By 'interesting' do you mean shite?
• #47870
That synonym has crossed my mind
• #47871
anyone know where I can pick these adapters up?
• #47872
• #47873
Not ebay or anything even worth considering but if your after a temporary beater front wheel this is 20 quid
• #47874
£290 BIN or best offer for a beautiful Woodrup Columbus EL. Fair price and the sort of bike someone could fall in love with.
• #47875
Can anyone reccommend some brake pads for vintage brakes?
Out in front Garmin mount for a tenner, mine's arrived and seems decent for the money.