Say hi after the race. I'll be too busy being late, tired and angry beforehand :)
Hopefully I can grab a decent 50 time, otherwise I'll have to look for another one to try and bump my place up the (non-forum) BBAR chart.
I want a H-course 25 as well to try and retain the WLCA BBAR, but 17th Aug I have a beer festival to go to. I'm not a massive fan of the Bentley course - more that it's a pain to drive to on Sat arvo. I think my best was Didcot Phoenix but I don't know the course code. H25/17 maybe?
Say hi after the race. I'll be too busy being late, tired and angry beforehand :)
Hopefully I can grab a decent 50 time, otherwise I'll have to look for another one to try and bump my place up the (non-forum) BBAR chart.
I want a H-course 25 as well to try and retain the WLCA BBAR, but 17th Aug I have a beer festival to go to. I'm not a massive fan of the Bentley course - more that it's a pain to drive to on Sat arvo. I think my best was Didcot Phoenix but I don't know the course code. H25/17 maybe?