Yeah, I was changing a light fitting in the bathroom, so I shuffled across the boards in the loft with a Maglite in my mouth. I'm fucking about with the light fitting, wondering where the buzzing is coming from, then I turn to my right...
A wasps nest the size of a rugby ball is there, three inches from my eye, wasps crawling all over the fucking thing.
It took me weeks to destroy it. Chemicals, sprays, foam, the lot. I couldn't understand why it wouldn't die.
Turns out it spread right into the eaves of the house, the rugby ball bit was just the tip. It must have been nearly three feet across.
I eventually smashed it with a makeshift spear fashioned from a broom handle and a trowel after spraying three tins of nest foam at it. I then hoovered up the attacking squadrons of stripy cunts and the lumps of shattered nest with a Henry vacuum.
My wife found it very amusing that she could hear buzzing and me thumping around the loft, screaming and shouting DIE DIE DIE!!
I won though.
The hoover weighed a fucking ton when I brought it down - Lucifer 120,000 - Wasps 0.
Needs to go on your blog.