Personally I'd advocate completely stopping for a few weeks, firstly you'll reset your alcohol tolerance to a degree - get pissed on less, you'll find you sleep better making you more alert and better able to make good food choices in the day and when you are exercising you'll be doing more quality work as your body won't be trying to repair itslef from both traininging and boozing.
In my training diary I colour the days I drink in blue and although I only completely stopped for a couple of weeks it had a really positive effect.
Personally I'd advocate completely stopping for a few weeks, firstly you'll reset your alcohol tolerance to a degree - get pissed on less, you'll find you sleep better making you more alert and better able to make good food choices in the day and when you are exercising you'll be doing more quality work as your body won't be trying to repair itslef from both traininging and boozing.
In my training diary I colour the days I drink in blue and although I only completely stopped for a couple of weeks it had a really positive effect.