came home to thousands of wasps in my kitchen a few years back - all emerging from behind a light fitting in the ceiling, leading to the roof space. Too scared to go up, called a grown up man with a special vacuum thingy......fuck that
Oh, fuck's sake. I once moved into a house as a student and there were millions of the fuckers in one of the bedrooms upstairs. I'd totally forgotten about that until you posted this, thanks for that. It was horrifying, they were all over the room, crawling over the floor, over the bed, covering the windows. We locked the bedroom door and put tape over the cracks.
Oh, fuck's sake. I once moved into a house as a student and there were millions of the fuckers in one of the bedrooms upstairs. I'd totally forgotten about that until you posted this, thanks for that. It was horrifying, they were all over the room, crawling over the floor, over the bed, covering the windows. We locked the bedroom door and put tape over the cracks.