• #2
Follow these steps and you'll be fine:
- Fit rim tape
- Check inside of tyre for foreign objects/damage, exposed wire (if wired tyres) etc
- Fit new tube and put a very little bit of air into it - check to ensure that you aren't pinching the tube between the rim and sidewall before fully inflating to recommended pressure.
- Ensure retaining nut is done up firmly on valve stem
Ride it.
- Fit rim tape
• #3
I've got a few wheels cheapskated with insulation tape. You have to go from bead to bead and 4 layers works well.
Or just buy some rim tape.
- Ensure retaining nut is done up firmly on valve stem
Throw the damn nut away, it only causes hassle when you're on the side of the road covered in crap trying to replace the tube.
- Ensure retaining nut is done up firmly on valve stem
• #4
Check the rim joint, as well, cheap rims can be a bit sharp here.
Were they quality tubes? I had some (Nutrak) that did similar in succession...then vendor admitted he'd had complaints about them.
• #5
Having the same problem with one of my front wheels-
Rm is a velocity aero- have replaced the rim tape and gone through 5 tubes in 3 days.
Tires are ridiculously tight to get on and I think the tube is getting pinched- no matter how hard I try I cant get a tube to stay inflated longer than 2 days.
Thinking about replacing the rim for something a little loser fitting.
• #6
I used folded aluminium foil once. It layers up nice and thick, but compresses into the rim. Just tape it into place.
Or you could go to LBS and buy some rim tape.
• #7
Velox FTW: check Ebay, about the same price as an inner tube.
• #8
Are you sure the tyre stayed seated correctly, if it was a blowout it sounds more likely that it was popping off the rim, protruding spokes should't blow the tube.
• #9
Ok guys thanks for the replies. After patching a few tubes it still didn't work! Basically I was using some really old glue and it was crap.
The issue with the blow out was that the spoke holes were not covered properly so I think the tube forced itself into the holes and eventually popped.
Anyway I got some rim tape (which was also a bastard to fit, checked the packet when I got back and it said 622mm?) was this right? Anyway got that on, put a new tube on and it got me home on 100psi. Lets hope it's still inflated tomo morning. Cheers all
Ok I'm probably going to publicly out myself as the complete numpty that I am but here it goes...
Righty, well I bought a new front wheel and after fitting the tube and tyre I keep bursting my tubes. I've done this, now wait for it, a grand total of three times! After the first time I decided to improvise and made my own rim tape as it didn't come with any so used insulation tape to cover all the spoke holes. Second tube blows and the tear was on the only hole which wasn't covered properly. Now on the THIRD blow out, this time a massive bang, there was no sign of any spoke holes protruding however the tube completely split open. All three tubes were brand new.
So any ideas what could be causing this? I'm absolutely disparing right now.
Yours, nodder airtime