Also, at 2:30am I started feeling very tired. I had a bottle of High-5 but I'm sensitive to caffeine so I need to avoid using it unless I'm really desperate. Instead I busted out my headphones and listened to glitchstep which really helped.
Unfortunately as I went through a really heavily wooded bit in the darkest part of the night, my mp3 player decided to blast me with a bit of this:
The intro of which, combined with the dark and the fact that I was riding solo and could see no red flashies in front nor any white lights behind, and that I was starting to hallucinate things standing in the road, was CREEPY AS ALL FUCK. Will definitely be more careful about my mp3 playlist next time.
Also, at 2:30am I started feeling very tired. I had a bottle of High-5 but I'm sensitive to caffeine so I need to avoid using it unless I'm really desperate. Instead I busted out my headphones and listened to glitchstep which really helped.
Unfortunately as I went through a really heavily wooded bit in the darkest part of the night, my mp3 player decided to blast me with a bit of this:
Bassnectar - I Am A Laser - YouTube
The intro of which, combined with the dark and the fact that I was riding solo and could see no red flashies in front nor any white lights behind, and that I was starting to hallucinate things standing in the road, was CREEPY AS ALL FUCK. Will definitely be more careful about my mp3 playlist next time.