So it appears I've got a rather discerning arse/gooch. I've gone through a fair few saddles and a bikefit and have now found that the Planet X Superlight/Fizik Arione and inline posts are what I need, so the following bits are for sale.
I'd prefer pickup/meet somewhere in London rather than posting these, I live in Walthamstow and work between Old St and Moorgate and happy to meet around there or elsewhere. I'd also consider a trade/px for a Fizik Arione on any of the below.
Specialized Toupe 143 Ti - SOLD. This is fairly well used, with a scuff on the left side and the fake carbon nose bit has sort of been rubbed to a solid black colour. Really wanted to get on with this as it looks sleek and cool and I'd heard great things about them, but just doesn't suit my bum.
Selle Italia SL XC, manganese rails - £35. Bought for my fixed gear build. Absolutely mint, I used for about 20 miles and it broke my gooch, yours may be hardier/more accommodating.
Most carbon saddle. - SOLD. Bought secondhand off a friend who owns a bike shop, used once. Ridiculous idea, but looks quite cool and has a similar shape to the Toupe. Finish has been scratched a fair bit on the rails and there's a little chip on the nose, but it's structurally fine, as far as I can tell.
Charge Spoon - £15. Used for a couple of hundred miles. Logo has lost it's colour on one side, otherwise perfect condition. Got on quite well with this, but generally prefer a flatter profile saddle.
Charge Spoon - £20. New, still sealed. Bought this for my roadie after chucking the other Spoon on the fixed and liking it, but was recommended a Planet X Superlight, got one whilst waiting for the Spoon to arrive and much prefer it's less swoopy shape. Would send it back, but bought it via Flubit and their returns process seem like more hassle than it's worth.
CSN Superleggera saddle - £10. 130mm(ish) width, came with my Ribble and just didn't get on with it.
CSN Superleggera 27.2 seatpost - £7. Came with my Ribble, it's used, with a couple of marks where my SQR clamp was attached.
Deda RS01 27.2 - £10 again used with marks from the SQR and the logos are sort of rubbed off.
Hello all,
So it appears I've got a rather discerning arse/gooch. I've gone through a fair few saddles and a bikefit and have now found that the Planet X Superlight/Fizik Arione and inline posts are what I need, so the following bits are for sale.
I'd prefer pickup/meet somewhere in London rather than posting these, I live in Walthamstow and work between Old St and Moorgate and happy to meet around there or elsewhere. I'd also consider a trade/px for a Fizik Arione on any of the below.
Pics are here, hope they work!
Specialized Toupe 143 Ti - SOLD. This is fairly well used, with a scuff on the left side and the fake carbon nose bit has sort of been rubbed to a solid black colour. Really wanted to get on with this as it looks sleek and cool and I'd heard great things about them, but just doesn't suit my bum.
Selle Italia SL XC, manganese rails - £35. Bought for my fixed gear build. Absolutely mint, I used for about 20 miles and it broke my gooch, yours may be hardier/more accommodating.
Most carbon saddle. - SOLD. Bought secondhand off a friend who owns a bike shop, used once. Ridiculous idea, but looks quite cool and has a similar shape to the Toupe. Finish has been scratched a fair bit on the rails and there's a little chip on the nose, but it's structurally fine, as far as I can tell.
Charge Spoon - £15. Used for a couple of hundred miles. Logo has lost it's colour on one side, otherwise perfect condition. Got on quite well with this, but generally prefer a flatter profile saddle.
Charge Spoon - £20. New, still sealed. Bought this for my roadie after chucking the other Spoon on the fixed and liking it, but was recommended a Planet X Superlight, got one whilst waiting for the Spoon to arrive and much prefer it's less swoopy shape. Would send it back, but bought it via Flubit and their returns process seem like more hassle than it's worth.
CSN Superleggera saddle - £10. 130mm(ish) width, came with my Ribble and just didn't get on with it.
CSN Superleggera 27.2 seatpost - £7. Came with my Ribble, it's used, with a couple of marks where my SQR clamp was attached.
Deda RS01 27.2 - £10 again used with marks from the SQR and the logos are sort of rubbed off.
If I'm off on the prices, let me know!