• #77
Never mind Scotland.
Yorkshire on its own still beat everything the colonial cast-offs could manage.You're always so disparaging towards the USA. Leave them alone, they'll get it right eventually.
• #78
As you say you 'can't stress how important it is', I'll help out by saying I can't stress enough how important it is.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
I can't believe I let that go through.
• #79
You need to do some brain curls. In fact, it's an assistance exercise a lot of lifters might consider.
At least do some cortex work for mental stability.
• #80
Given that I receive emails with "your" instead of "you're" and apostrophes in words that don't need them, perhaps I'm being infected.
• #81
• #82
upside down Bosu squats with a 20kg plate minimum held in front of the chest are pretty interesting to try and can give you upper leg power if you get form right
• #83
all that does is make you look like a cunt in the gym...
• #84
Everyone in gyms looks like a cunt.
• #85
And does it say why?
If it doesn't, try and think about what kind of rider Nothstein was (and went on to be) and his physical characteristics etc.
To echo my earlier comments, and to provide a direct response to your OP of nearly two years back: No, it's unwise to completely rule out a particular exercise if it will help a rider address a particular weakness. Primarily your gym program should focus on specificity but it should also be flexible enough to ensure whole body muscular fitness and prevent imbalances.
I can't stress how important it is for a rider's gym program to be tailored to suit the individual.
a cunt?
• #86
Everyone in gyms looks like a cunt.
Bicep boys yes, real weight lifters no.
• #87
BIG cunts.
• #88
Tell them that to their face? (pussy)
• #89
• #90
• #91
• #92
I googled that comment: http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy-ab&q=umadbro&oq=umadbro&gs_l=hp.3..0i10l4.86218.86218.1.87249.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.d2k&fp=dd5bbbdd8092df5d&biw=1280&bih=843 read the urban dictionary preview....
• #93
? that's for idiots.
• #94
? that's for idiots.
do you even lift?
• #95
Do you even ride, brother?
• #96
Do you even internet argument?
As you say you 'can't stress how important it is', I'll help out by saying I can't stress enough how important it is.
You're welcome.