Approximately how much time would you expect to save over a 10mTT course by switching from road kit (road bike+drops, 50mm wheels, road helmet etc) to a TT set up (Aero frame, TT bars, 50mm front, disc rear, pointy hat etc)? I know it's impossible to get a real number but rough idea would be good.
I'm trying to work out just how bad Wednesday's disastrous TT was and how much I might be able to blame on kit selection. Sadly I suspect not as much as I'd hope.
Approximately how much time would you expect to save over a 10mTT course by switching from road kit (road bike+drops, 50mm wheels, road helmet etc) to a TT set up (Aero frame, TT bars, 50mm front, disc rear, pointy hat etc)? I know it's impossible to get a real number but rough idea would be good.
I'm trying to work out just how bad Wednesday's disastrous TT was and how much I might be able to blame on kit selection. Sadly I suspect not as much as I'd hope.