On the Ricoh GR topic, bought mine a few days ago, wanted a digital GR since they first came out.
As this one looked fast enough I went for it. Didn't have time to use it properly yet, and have to get used to 28 (was using a mjuII before, but analog never made it out of the drawer.)
But it is amazing.
And I had it side to side to a GR1s and the owner of the analogue predecessor thought mine was faster!
On the Ricoh GR topic, bought mine a few days ago, wanted a digital GR since they first came out.
As this one looked fast enough I went for it. Didn't have time to use it properly yet, and have to get used to 28 (was using a mjuII before, but analog never made it out of the drawer.)
But it is amazing.
And I had it side to side to a GR1s and the owner of the analogue predecessor thought mine was faster!