Following the two cycle deaths in London last week, the London Cycling Campaign have called a protest flashride for this Friday 12.07.13 at 6PM calling on the Mayor to keep to his election promises and act to provide safe space for cycling on dangerous main roads.
It would be great to see lots of forumongers there and adding their voices. The latest death, of a 20 year old French student on a Boris Bike, took place at a junction of the Mayor's so-called "cycle superhighway" which the LCC explicitly warned TfL was not safe or suitable as a cycle route. Further coverage on the BBC is here:
Also, if you can help marshall the ride then please contact Mike C at the LCC as he is looking for extra pairs of helping hands.
Hope to see some of you there to help turn up the pressure on the Mayor and TfL to keep them to their promises and hopefully avoid such needless deaths in the future.
Following the two cycle deaths in London last week, the London Cycling Campaign have called a protest flashride for this Friday 12.07.13 at 6PM calling on the Mayor to keep to his election promises and act to provide safe space for cycling on dangerous main roads.
Here's the details:
And here's lots of background on the empty words and promises we've been fobbed off with on my blog;
It would be great to see lots of forumongers there and adding their voices. The latest death, of a 20 year old French student on a Boris Bike, took place at a junction of the Mayor's so-called "cycle superhighway" which the LCC explicitly warned TfL was not safe or suitable as a cycle route. Further coverage on the BBC is here:
Also, if you can help marshall the ride then please contact Mike C at the LCC as he is looking for extra pairs of helping hands.
Hope to see some of you there to help turn up the pressure on the Mayor and TfL to keep them to their promises and hopefully avoid such needless deaths in the future.