Until the Mayor and Transport for London accept that on London's busiest roads clear space for cycling must be allocated, then cycling fatalities such as these will continue to happen regularly and cycling growth will be stifled.
having looked at quite a few articles and comments on this, my mind keeps brain-flashing to me: "#LondonCycleNetwork - #LondonCycleNetwork - #LondonCycleNetwork"; usually in batches of three, and then periodically afterwards as i'm yet to express these thoughts anywhere..
more cash for promoting and improving the traffic-free London Cycle Network routes is surely sensible?! there is only so much road space to share out between the motorised and the unmotorised..
(improvements being to prioritise the LCN bicycle flow over motorised traffic when the LCN meets roads - e.g. via a special sort of raised zebra crossing especially for cyclists?!)
having looked at quite a few articles and comments on this, my mind keeps brain-flashing to me: "#LondonCycleNetwork - #LondonCycleNetwork - #LondonCycleNetwork"; usually in batches of three, and then periodically afterwards as i'm yet to express these thoughts anywhere..
more cash for promoting and improving the traffic-free London Cycle Network routes is surely sensible?! there is only so much road space to share out between the motorised and the unmotorised..
(improvements being to prioritise the LCN bicycle flow over motorised traffic when the LCN meets roads - e.g. via a special sort of raised zebra crossing especially for cyclists?!)