i did UTS i promise, but it's an awkward call for advice from those far more bikexperienced than myself.
my girlfriend is asthmatic but is dead set on using my previous generic single speed bike rather than say, going for an old 5-speed town bike. she hates gears but doesn't want to go fixed.
my old SS has 650c wheels and has the stock issue 48/17 gearing which is shit for a SS bike in my opinion.
what do you folks reckon would be a good chainring/cog set-up for a 650c SS that is used mainly for flats/mild hills and wouldn't be too exhaustive to pedal? i'd really appreciate any suggestions. thanks!
hi forum,
i did UTS i promise, but it's an awkward call for advice from those far more bikexperienced than myself.
my girlfriend is asthmatic but is dead set on using my previous generic single speed bike rather than say, going for an old 5-speed town bike. she hates gears but doesn't want to go fixed.
my old SS has 650c wheels and has the stock issue 48/17 gearing which is shit for a SS bike in my opinion.
what do you folks reckon would be a good chainring/cog set-up for a 650c SS that is used mainly for flats/mild hills and wouldn't be too exhaustive to pedal? i'd really appreciate any suggestions. thanks!