• #10227
I wanna watch the descent... Climbing is for girls!
Giuliano Calore Stelvio 1986 - YouTube
and still going
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1002964_10151422176057364_139563377_n.jpg -
• #10228
What's with the change of bike/bars and brakes... ;)
• #10229
Giuliano Calore Stelvio 1986 - YouTube
and still going
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1002964_10151422176057364_139563377_n.jpgIs he using his heel to brake? Seems to be controlling speed extremely well.
• #10230
i think so...
later, he got bored..
so completely logical, he played some tunes while doing his thing..
• #10232
Giuliano Calore Stelvio 1986 - YouTube
and still going
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1002964_10151422176057364_139563377_n.jpgMassan wannabe
• #10235
^ Maybe; results have been mixed, according to comments section.
• #10236
Fine with me. Safari on 10.8.4
• #10237
I may try it, I'm on 10.6.8
• #10239
You can pause it and set it to not work on some sites.
• #10240
Use it with Chrome, regularly forget just how good it is, until I watch a youtube/4od on someone else's computer, my god there's a lot of adverts.
• #10241
I've got FB ad block script for Safari. Makes such a difference.
• #10242
You can pause it and set it to not work on some sites.
Still makes SKY GO to go tits up. They make it on purpose.
• #10243
I find that if you go into incognito mode on chrome, that window doesn't have the adblocker extension. Don't have Sky Go so can't test it but might be worth a punt.
• #10244
You need to allow extensions in incognito mode.
• #10245
This is good, Nardwuar the Human Serviette interviews Questlove and showers him with info and rare LPs and posters so that Ql is almost overwhelmed.
• #10246
I watch sky go on my xbox, well away from the usefulness of blocking adverts, I wish there was a way of using it on that.
• #10249
• #10250
Nah, the redacted name isn't Edward. Anthony would fit.
I wanna watch the descent... Climbing is for girls!