• #12977
Best photo on this thread yet
• #12978
My bike, Pagoda. Can you call your bike a beater when you only have one?
Me, pretending I know what I'm doing with a camera.
Me, feeling the love.
• #12979
Looks more like OL3V.
• #12980
• #12981
how beautiful is that brascona though... oh my goodness gracious me!
• #12982
you mean mine?
Yup. Been looking for something like it.
• #12983
Really lovely.
Howdy from Australia,
My most recent build, a 10th anno. Merckx -
• #12984
Yup. Been looking for something like it.
it's a hungarian frame.. i guess.. no marks, no nothing. just the dove on the steerer. (italian tubeset and english bb threading, georg fisher fork crown)
will go to a builder in august who did most of the frames for the budapest velodrome, he might know something
• #12985
This photo is massively shit for showing both my face and my bike. But I don't care, I think it's ace.https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1064484_10151568487244440_424901915_o.jpg
• #12986
I don't even...
• #12987
• #12988
Those are pretty awesome photos
• #12989
• #12990
• #12991
Loving that gif
• #12992
Just noticed the croissant... chapeau
• #12993
Did you spend a while looking for street art that matched your bike and clothes? Or did you have to scrawl that yourself?
• #12994
After an extensive cul to pay taxes owed and doctor's orders to take it easy I'm left with these two (one recovered)
And this miserable mug
• #12996
fallen from grace
• #12997
No worries. Soon come.
• #12998
Are you on the return?
Couldn't find photos of the Argos and the blue one (?)...
• #12999
Did you spend a while looking for street art that matched your bike and clothes? Or did you have to scrawl that yourself?
haha no it's where I leaved. Now I leave in Brittany. To find a Breton jumper ;)
• #13000
Surprised I haven't done this yet
The bike:
The mug:
and the overexposed holy marriage of the two:
Finally get to see the man behind the bikes! (or saddle positioning should I say :p )