Surely the point of objecting to the state snooping into your private affairs has less to do with whether you, as a fine, upstanding individual are doing anything wrong, and much, much more to do with the fact that a government who is surveilling its citizens on a large-scale basis has the means to do whatever the fuck it wants with no regard to whether it is morally right, proportionate, or legal?
Surveillance can be used to suppress inconvenient political questions and suppress the people who are asking them. TW2's analysis of "I'm alright Jack" being the root of not being bothered about surveillance is bang-on. I'm no more an underground political rebel than I am one of David Icke's lizard people, but the idea that any government might think it proportionate and acceptable to blanket violate the privacy of its citizens in order to quash dissent is is deeply reprehensible to my world view.
Surely the point of objecting to the state snooping into your private affairs has less to do with whether you, as a fine, upstanding individual are doing anything wrong, and much, much more to do with the fact that a government who is surveilling its citizens on a large-scale basis has the means to do whatever the fuck it wants with no regard to whether it is morally right, proportionate, or legal?
Surveillance can be used to suppress inconvenient political questions and suppress the people who are asking them. TW2's analysis of "I'm alright Jack" being the root of not being bothered about surveillance is bang-on. I'm no more an underground political rebel than I am one of David Icke's lizard people, but the idea that any government might think it proportionate and acceptable to blanket violate the privacy of its citizens in order to quash dissent is is deeply reprehensible to my world view.