That much I know; was merely wondering if there were any specific rules regarding such a situation.
They change the rules every year. So, when Lance was riding and his team was (for some strange reason) super strong, they made the rules such that teams could only lose a certain percentage of time to the fastest team's time. This would keep the race closer by preventing massive gaps appearing between Lance and other GC riders who might've had weaker teams. Other years, I'm sure they've had other rules but can't really recall specifics. The 120-125% of finishers time applying to Ted King is rider specific so the whole team isn't penalised for his performance (other than by losing a rider which is penalty enough).
They change the rules every year. So, when Lance was riding and his team was (for some strange reason) super strong, they made the rules such that teams could only lose a certain percentage of time to the fastest team's time. This would keep the race closer by preventing massive gaps appearing between Lance and other GC riders who might've had weaker teams. Other years, I'm sure they've had other rules but can't really recall specifics. The 120-125% of finishers time applying to Ted King is rider specific so the whole team isn't penalised for his performance (other than by losing a rider which is penalty enough).