So I fitted the SPDs today, started out with a low tension and then had to keep turning it up because I had a few un-clips when skidding. I have the tension screw most of the way up and it seems secure when skidding, bit harder to clip into but not impossible. I have the M647 pedals, not the M520s it turns out, with the platform around them, so at least I have some kind of base if I unclip to help me in an emergency.
Definitely going to look into ATACs when I buy the precursa though.
So I fitted the SPDs today, started out with a low tension and then had to keep turning it up because I had a few un-clips when skidding. I have the tension screw most of the way up and it seems secure when skidding, bit harder to clip into but not impossible. I have the M647 pedals, not the M520s it turns out, with the platform around them, so at least I have some kind of base if I unclip to help me in an emergency.
Definitely going to look into ATACs when I buy the precursa though.