Having tried Champix in the past and failed miserably two or three months after I stopped taking it. I'm now trying to give up again.
The nice lady at the smoking cessation clinic said I should try patches (I've tried them in the past and they made my skin so itchy that I had to stop (I have girly sensitive skin)). For most of today I've been pretty good and not really missing it despite the fact that when I'm working is when I smoke the most. I now have the feeling that my patch has run out of nicotine because I WANT A FUCKING CIGARETTE AND ITS NOT GOING THE FUCK AWAY.
Having tried Champix in the past and failed miserably two or three months after I stopped taking it. I'm now trying to give up again.
The nice lady at the smoking cessation clinic said I should try patches (I've tried them in the past and they made my skin so itchy that I had to stop (I have girly sensitive skin)). For most of today I've been pretty good and not really missing it despite the fact that when I'm working is when I smoke the most. I now have the feeling that my patch has run out of nicotine because I WANT A FUCKING CIGARETTE AND ITS NOT GOING THE FUCK AWAY.
Also dealing with Mrs Bobbo's pregnant mood-swings when all I can think of is fags is not easy.