I find that 60 (100km) miles is a breeze
and 80-100 miles (130 to 160km) starts to get funky, especially if you dont eat right.
after 100 miles it's usually ok.
I generally feel the same way about the ~190mile/300km mark on a 400km, but it's interspersed with general boredom and self loathing at getting into this mess in the first place.
never tried to ride continuously through a 600, but I bet there's a dark place waiting when i do.
I find that 60 (100km) miles is a breeze
and 80-100 miles (130 to 160km) starts to get funky, especially if you dont eat right.
after 100 miles it's usually ok.
I generally feel the same way about the ~190mile/300km mark on a 400km, but it's interspersed with general boredom and self loathing at getting into this mess in the first place.
never tried to ride continuously through a 600, but I bet there's a dark place waiting when i do.