I'm aware that there's a possibilites you did not know, don't worry about it.
All your "OS" moment showing your extraordinary foresight;
Was overtaking a car that was turning left. As soon as it turned it revealed a massive pothole and in went my front wheel. Bang went my tyre and smack went my face into the road. Chipped my front tooth busted my lips and scratched my nose about 2 weeks ago.
Helmet saved nothing. Oh I was in the drops spinning. Oh Sh@t
Oh shit moment everyday with brakeless and rain. Today was brought to you by other cyclists undertaking then weaving through traffic. And while moving through them grabbing a handful of brake. Nowhere for me to go so skidded grabbed a cab unclipped then foot down and stop within cm of those wobbly weavers. Wet days = undertakers who brake at last minute in front of you for no reason.
If they can't fit through in their mind don't try and then stop. Drives me mad.
Hit a parked car as it was my first day going clipless and was practicing clipping in and out around a blind corner. LOL I wish I filmed it. It was hilarious in slow motion as well so no damage to car or bike. Hands up I deserved that one.
Falling happens but getting up and going again is what matters. It still makes me smile every time I go by that spot.
This weeks oh shit moment brought to you by guy in a bronze coloured station wagon.
So cruising on upper street curving onto Essex road and a guy behind me tries to overtake just as I am following the curve. So not having enough room for the both of us I took the middle to stop him from squeezing ms into the traffic light island.
He honks the horn and shouts get out of the way. Then proceeds to slam on the gas dangerously overtake me in front of the Tesco and slam on the brake because he got stuck in a red light. Lol. Tap tap went my hand on the side of the car. As he was sat there at the light. He shouted something as I was passing his window.
The light went green and we both took off. I took the middle road and he revved up behind me. I gave him two whip skids left and right and disappeared up the traffic in front. Lol. He actually waddled his fat ass out the car as if he wanted to fight. Lol. Hilarious. Essex road drivers. In a rush to go nowhere as there are cars and traffic lights every block.
Had an OS today after work riding with Seven04 to Kinoko cycles when this womAn run across the road barely squeezes by the steady flowing stream of traffic on Shaftesbury avenue to make it to the island in the middle when.
Oh shit... Her massive oversized bag caught in my pursuit bars as I was side slipping through the traffic. She yanked, I fell. Swollen elbow knee and pissed off. But shockingly I stayed calm because she apologised profusely about her flailing bag.
Damn that bag was a huge leather bag. Took me out. Lol. Wouldn't have happened on my nitto drops as easily.
Had a near death one today. Coming up from Regent's Park towards Oxford Street. Just before I got on oxford street a bus decides to pull across in front of me because I passed him before when he was stuck in traffic.
He just cranks it to his left and cuts me off. I had to bunny hop by the skin of my teeth onto the curb and get out of the way. Nooo wayyyy. He definitely saw me there.
So I u-turned and came again along the driver's side of the bus. Gave it 3 good hard smacks by the driver window and screamed at the driver. "Won't repeat the angry tirade"
I'm aware that there's a possibilites you did not know, don't worry about it.
All your "OS" moment showing your extraordinary foresight;