That was fun!!! Great to meet you all... lovely to put faces to names.
Highlights were: RWN's marmalade flapjacks. The lane leading us away from the pub we stopped at which seemed to run for miles of car free loveliness - I even ended up whistling Jerusalem. That church! Amazing place. The sprint over the 'Official Finish Line' at the end. The well earned Adnams at the pub... And "smashing it up and down that reservoir".
That was fun!!! Great to meet you all... lovely to put faces to names.
Highlights were: RWN's marmalade flapjacks. The lane leading us away from the pub we stopped at which seemed to run for miles of car free loveliness - I even ended up whistling Jerusalem. That church! Amazing place. The sprint over the 'Official Finish Line' at the end. The well earned Adnams at the pub... And "smashing it up and down that reservoir".