• #23427
Sunday downs 11am
- dublinkevin
- tias
- vit
- dublinkevin
• #23428
Nice one Vit.
• #23429
Sunday downs 11am
- dublinkevin
- tias
- vit
- apollo
looking forward to seeing you on court Kev!
- dublinkevin
• #23430
We still need two or three more big man...
• #23431
Sunday downs 11am
- dublinkevin
- tias
- vit
- apollo
- Joe (as long as I'm not dragging the standard down...)
- dublinkevin
• #23432
don't worry I've only been playing a few months
• #23433
Sunday downs 11am
- dublinkevin
- tias
- vit
- apollo
- Joe
- future
- dublinkevin
• #23434
Nice one. One more for luck? tias are you definitely in?
• #23436
Io? Make up for the no sho this morning? #sundayisthenewsaturday
• #23437
Yep definitely motivated, just need to refrain my alcohol consumption tonight...
• #23438
^ Deffo doing it wrong... ;P
• #23439
Sunday downs 11am
dublinkevin- tias
- vit
- apollo
- Joe
- future
Guys - I am really sorry about this but I am not going to make tomorrow. I forgot about an all day spin that is on tomorrow and I want to go on it while I still can, my gf + kid are away for another week and a bit and its impossible to do an all day spin at the weekends when they're here. I'll be able to play polo during the week. Sincerest apologies, especially seeing as how I was the one pushing it.
• #23440
I already have my train ticket. So see you there anyway.
• #23441
I am still keen - providing someone has a ball...
• #23442
Everyone (except Kev) still up for it?
• #23443
yep. got ball.
• #23444
oh pity you cant make it Kevin, well hopefully we will be 6
• #23445
Just about to head out - hey, can someone bring some sunscreen? #whitegirlproblems
• #23446
leaving soon, sorry-woke up late
• #23447
great fun today
• #23448
Ye, it was awesome, man I am wrecked!
• #23449
Loving polo again! Sorry I had to leave early - the BBQ was shite. On the plus side I am more swede than beetroot in colour, so I'll take that as a small win.
• #23450
Kind of motivated to come from Cambridge to play Polo Sunday or Saturday. If we get 6 players at least. But not before 11.00.