Care to elaborate as to why? Not getting any clogging with finer stuff, so shirley coarser stuff will just come out weaker?
I tried using a medium-ground coffee when I first bought it and tbh it was like dishwater compared to what I'm used to.
I usually tamp Espresso-ground coffee down hard into a 3-cup Moka pot, producing an almost Ristretto-short double shot. Can't see how I can get near that with the Aeropress.
FWIW, I like Illy. As far as supermarket coffee and making it at home goes, it's decent. If I can find it at a discount, I'll always buy it. Don't mind Lavazza Oro either.
If I want really nice coffee, I pay somebody else to make it on their six-grand La Marzocco and hand it to me with a big smile on their face.
Care to elaborate as to why? Not getting any clogging with finer stuff, so shirley coarser stuff will just come out weaker?
I tried using a medium-ground coffee when I first bought it and tbh it was like dishwater compared to what I'm used to.
I usually tamp Espresso-ground coffee down hard into a 3-cup Moka pot, producing an almost Ristretto-short double shot. Can't see how I can get near that with the Aeropress.
FWIW, I like Illy. As far as supermarket coffee and making it at home goes, it's decent. If I can find it at a discount, I'll always buy it. Don't mind Lavazza Oro either.
If I want really nice coffee, I pay somebody else to make it on their six-grand La Marzocco and hand it to me with a big smile on their face.