This event is free and funded by Rollapaluza Ltd and relies on volunteers for it's success and future, massive thanks to those who have given up their time for previous editions. We are looking for volunteers for the 2013 edition.
We need around 30 people to make the shifts short and easy for everyone and the tasks will be anything from running sign on / reserve list, road closure marshals, crossing marshalls, timekeepers, starters and around 6 people to clear up at the end of the event.
Please email if you want to help, alternatively I will be checking this post periodically.
This event is free and funded by Rollapaluza Ltd and relies on volunteers for it's success and future, massive thanks to those who have given up their time for previous editions. We are looking for volunteers for the 2013 edition.
We need around 30 people to make the shifts short and easy for everyone and the tasks will be anything from running sign on / reserve list, road closure marshals, crossing marshalls, timekeepers, starters and around 6 people to clear up at the end of the event.
Please email if you want to help, alternatively I will be checking this post periodically.