Mike on a slight OT note - is that a bug with the site? Ignore list not working on mobile version?
No but my script does not run on my phone and I see he is posting so click view post out of curiosity and lo and behold he is still referring to me in his posts. Makes me wonder what I have missed from him
Successful troll is successful...
Ignore function, peoples...
Yes I always wondered what kind of people troll on the internet and now we know. Sad pseudo-intellectual jumped up pricks who no doubt have a myriad of interpersonal problems in their real life
No but my script does not run on my phone and I see he is posting so click view post out of curiosity and lo and behold he is still referring to me in his posts. Makes me wonder what I have missed from him
Yes I always wondered what kind of people troll on the internet and now we know. Sad pseudo-intellectual jumped up pricks who no doubt have a myriad of interpersonal problems in their real life