Went for a midnight ride with a friend yesterday, and going down a hill my chain comes off. Nothing happened really, I just stopped, got my chain, and got my mate to drag me to his place where I abandoned my steed, and took his spare bike and rode that home. Came back this afternoon to put a different chainring on so the chain would be shorter, only to find the cranks I thought where 135BCD where actually 144BCDs.
I guess "oh... poo." moments rather than "OH SHIT".
Also, I should elaborate, I have one of those fantastic things called a brake.
Went for a midnight ride with a friend yesterday, and going down a hill my chain comes off. Nothing happened really, I just stopped, got my chain, and got my mate to drag me to his place where I abandoned my steed, and took his spare bike and rode that home. Came back this afternoon to put a different chainring on so the chain would be shorter, only to find the cranks I thought where 135BCD where actually 144BCDs.
I guess "oh... poo." moments rather than "OH SHIT".
Also, I should elaborate, I have one of those fantastic things called a brake.