I've had a couple of sets of rd2 cranks. They're ok but not amazing. For the money you can buy an old (90s usually) shimano square taper road chainset on ebay. Aim for 600 or dura ace. They are the same 130 BCD so your messenger type chainrings will all fit. They give a good chainline with a 107mm bottom bracket and they are noticeably stiffer than the rd2. Plus they look better imo.
I've had a couple of sets of rd2 cranks. They're ok but not amazing. For the money you can buy an old (90s usually) shimano square taper road chainset on ebay. Aim for 600 or dura ace. They are the same 130 BCD so your messenger type chainrings will all fit. They give a good chainline with a 107mm bottom bracket and they are noticeably stiffer than the rd2. Plus they look better imo.