I'd second the idea of a mielec, lets face it if you get a pomp you're not exactly going to head up north to get it replaced?
Anyway, it will depend on how big the tyres you go for are? Big 26s can be pretty close to narrow 700s in total diameter. Work out the radial difference, I think you'll find that 140 is a massive over reaction.
I've gone front 26, which will lower the bb by aprox half of yours, I'm still using 170 and I don't get pedal strike unless I try to.
I'd second the idea of a mielec, lets face it if you get a pomp you're not exactly going to head up north to get it replaced?
Anyway, it will depend on how big the tyres you go for are? Big 26s can be pretty close to narrow 700s in total diameter. Work out the radial difference, I think you'll find that 140 is a massive over reaction.
I've gone front 26, which will lower the bb by aprox half of yours, I'm still using 170 and I don't get pedal strike unless I try to.