• Handlebars - Cinelli - 3TTT - ITM

    1. ITM handlebars - 42 super europa - anatomica - 40cm double groove - diameter - 25.4mm £16

    2. 3ttt handlebars - gimondi 42 - mod competizione - 40cm diameter - 26.0mm (track or road) no grooves £16
    Curves are very similar to Cinelli criterium bars.

    3. 3ttt handlebars - mod gimondi 44 - superleggero - 42cm diameter - 26.0mm (track or road) no grooves £22
    Curves are very similar to Cinelli criterium bars.

    4. **Litech **handlebars - 43/44cm single groove diameter - 25.4mm nos £14

    5. Specialized handlebars - 38/39cm no grooves diameter - 26.0mm vgc £14

    6. Cinelli vintage handlebars - old badge 40cm campione del mondial no grooves - marks and scratches SOLD

    All the handlebars above have been cleaned up and lightly polished and generally in good condition. Collect in Lee SE London or Shall be @ Herne Hill on Sunday morning.

    PM if interested... I have loads of other handlebars with too many to list...

    Cheers cc

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