There were nine riders in front of Hippy, of whom five were vets, but they included Mr. Topham, who should be stripped of his vet status on the grounds that he's just too fast.
The group handicap is nothing to do with age and is just based on recent performances - it is an attempt to spread the prizes around more widely.
Ahh. I also scored a fiver from the F1/100 race, even though I was 8th overall, due to their 1 prize per rider policy. It's a nice gesture. The tax savings now that I'm a professional cyclist and all my bike-related purchases are a business expense it must be said, is quite a lot more.. ;-)
Ahh. I also scored a fiver from the F1/100 race, even though I was 8th overall, due to their 1 prize per rider policy. It's a nice gesture. The tax savings now that I'm a professional cyclist and all my bike-related purchases are a business expense it must be said, is quite a lot more.. ;-)