This weeks oh shit moment brought to you by guy in a bronze coloured station wagon.
So cruising on upper street curving onto Essex road and a guy behind me tries to overtake just as I am following the curve. So not having enough room for the both of us I took the middle to stop him from squeezing ms into the traffic light island.
He honks the horn and shouts get out of the way. Then proceeds to slam on the gas dangerously overtake me in front of the Tesco and slam on the brake because he got stuck in a red light. Lol. Tap tap went my hand on the side of the car. As he was sat there at the light. He shouted something as I was passing his window.
The light went green and we both took off. I took the middle road and he revved up behind me. I gave him two whip skids left and right and disappeared up the traffic in front. Lol. He actually waddled his fat ass out the car as if he wanted to fight. Lol. Hilarious. Essex road drivers. In a rush to go nowhere as there are cars and traffic lights every block.
This weeks oh shit moment brought to you by guy in a bronze coloured station wagon.
So cruising on upper street curving onto Essex road and a guy behind me tries to overtake just as I am following the curve. So not having enough room for the both of us I took the middle to stop him from squeezing ms into the traffic light island.
He honks the horn and shouts get out of the way. Then proceeds to slam on the gas dangerously overtake me in front of the Tesco and slam on the brake because he got stuck in a red light. Lol. Tap tap went my hand on the side of the car. As he was sat there at the light. He shouted something as I was passing his window.
The light went green and we both took off. I took the middle road and he revved up behind me. I gave him two whip skids left and right and disappeared up the traffic in front. Lol. He actually waddled his fat ass out the car as if he wanted to fight. Lol. Hilarious. Essex road drivers. In a rush to go nowhere as there are cars and traffic lights every block.