• #10127
Nobody's perfect.
• #10128
securing tape is totally redundant if you rap right.
Now this is a story all about how
My tape got wrapped the wrong way round -
• #10129
Nobody's perfect.
Burn the witch!
• #10130
Sheldon, Park and I disagree with you on this issue.
DFP's way:
Oldskool bullhorns:
Done it myself, but wouldn't do it with Lizardskins or Arundel
• #10131
...start from the stem. Wrap towards the rear.....
Towards the rear over the top? Like up the front, and towards the rear over the top? Or towards the rear underneath. I ask, as I cannot remember whether people would be considered to be pulling back or leaning forwards onto the hands when on the tops. And I do fancy doing the wrapping next time.. I thought it would be the right way to do it... avoid the electrical tape, until I read Sheldon, Park et al.
• #10132
real life qwop
• #10134
As a Strava hater I'm offering this here,
For some it'll belong in Epic Fail I guess...
• #10135
A couple of right wing knobheads exposed for their "illegal" campaign. Some people have time. And hold a grudge...
• #10136
• #10138
2 videos of the same thing but from two different perspectives... a lot of overlap but very cool.
• #10139
That's creative, but it's not really how the bird is designed to fly. A pigeon or a cockatoo would have also caught the guy within 5 seconds.
Also, the bird isn't really 'hunting' and hardly even chasing, it's just trying to remove the bait from the helmet, which it can't, since it's tied down. It bails at the last second on each approach since it can't risk damaging itself.
If the situation were made to exhibit the birds actual ability, the guy wouldn't see the bird anywhere, would put his helmet on, hear a slight whistling sound, then have his head smashed clean off by an animal doing 190mph +.
They're amazing creatures, I don't think this really does them any justice.
/raptor pedant
/tldr -
• #10140
It's the ultimate experiment between man and bird! Says so in the video.
Amazing footage but I donno why they split it into two edits, especially considering how much of it is repeated.
Was a bit worried that they took the bird's safety helmet off, looked proper dangerous.
• #10141
I liked the slow motion bits where the guy is almost still, but the bird is still moving pretty quickly...
• #10142
That's creative, but it's not really how the bird is designed to fly. A pigeon or a cockatoo would have also caught the guy within 5 seconds.
Also, the bird isn't really 'hunting' and hardly even chasing, it's just trying to remove the bait from the helmet, which it can't, since it's tied down. It bails at the last second on each approach since it can't risk damaging itself.
If the situation were made to exhibit the birds actual ability, the guy wouldn't see the bird anywhere, would put his helmet on, hear a slight whistling sound, then have his head smashed clean off by an animal doing 190mph +.
They're amazing creatures, I don't think this really does them any justice.
/raptor pedant
/tldrThis plus didn't it catch him and rip the flouro cover off like 5 seconds into the whole thing?
• #10143
Cyclist get's hit by a vehicle. Driver tries to leave the scene of the accident.
Bus driver blocks the driver in until the police arrive. (video) -
• #10144
Posted 61 weeks ago!
I'm not normally someone to say repost, but do you think this may have been posted in the last year and a bit?
• #10145
Saw it on Twitbags this morning and assumed it was bang upto date.
Oh well, I won't let it spoil my day.
• #10146
I just notice that the poorly driven black car undertook the bus as the bus overtook the cyclist, wasn't that obvious when I post it.
• #10148
Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cent coins
http://www.zurmat.com/2012/08/29/samsung-pays-apple-1-billion-sending-30-trucks-full-of-5-cent-coins/ -
• #10150
Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cent coins
by ADMIN on AUGUST 29, 2012 · 150 COMMENTS
Sheldon, Park and I disagree with you on this issue.