centre name record number age date of birth
a 1 37 20/04/1983
b 1 20/04/1983
a 2 37
b 2 37 20/04/1976
a 3 37 20/04/1976
summary (number of blanks) 1 1
summary 3 3
(number of errors in conditional format)
So there is only 1 blank in each column, however there would be 3 conditional format errors (blanks and an age, age wrong from dob, dob but no age).
What I'd like is
Centre A Record number
Error in age? A1
centre name record number age date of birth
a 1 37 20/04/1983
b 1 20/04/1983
a 2 37
b 2 37 20/04/1976
a 3 37 20/04/1976
summary (number of blanks) 1 1
summary 3 3
(number of errors in conditional format)
So there is only 1 blank in each column, however there would be 3 conditional format errors (blanks and an age, age wrong from dob, dob but no age).
What I'd like is
Centre A Record number
Error in age? A1
Any use?