I have lots of centres sending me data.
I can split their records by centre using some vba code I robbed. I've got conditional formats applying colour to blank cells in a record.
I've got column totals counting the number of cells that meet that conditional format.
So centres can see where they're not filling in data. on each of their records.
However, I'd like to spit back to them which records (which have a unique id) have blanks in certain fields.
does that make sense?
I HAVE NO CODING EXPERTISE but! have a BIT OF TIME to learn now.
Hmm. thread dredge.
I have lots of centres sending me data.
I can split their records by centre using some vba code I robbed. I've got conditional formats applying colour to blank cells in a record.
I've got column totals counting the number of cells that meet that conditional format.
So centres can see where they're not filling in data. on each of their records.
However, I'd like to spit back to them which records (which have a unique id) have blanks in certain fields.
does that make sense?
I HAVE NO CODING EXPERTISE but! have a BIT OF TIME to learn now.