I had a crash on Monday night when a car pulled into a junction in front of me resulting in me going over the bonnet. At the time, I checked the bike over and it looked as though, miraculously, there was no damage. Front wheel was true, forks seemed straight, all tubes looked round and without crimping and, overall, it looked like I'd got away very luckily. However, checking the bike over again last night I've noticed that tiny cracks have appeared over the paint which would be on top of the welds around the head tube. A little flake of paint has come away and now I'm worried that I stupidly missed that damage had occurred. What's the best way of checking to see if this is something more serious? The frame is made from Columbus Aelle which I know is fairly standard tubing so I guess repairs should be straightforward if needs be.
I had a crash on Monday night when a car pulled into a junction in front of me resulting in me going over the bonnet. At the time, I checked the bike over and it looked as though, miraculously, there was no damage. Front wheel was true, forks seemed straight, all tubes looked round and without crimping and, overall, it looked like I'd got away very luckily. However, checking the bike over again last night I've noticed that tiny cracks have appeared over the paint which would be on top of the welds around the head tube. A little flake of paint has come away and now I'm worried that I stupidly missed that damage had occurred. What's the best way of checking to see if this is something more serious? The frame is made from Columbus Aelle which I know is fairly standard tubing so I guess repairs should be straightforward if needs be.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.