I've been struggling to be honest. Turns out I've had a throat infection for over a month. Which explains why I've woken up every monday with a slight fever, recovered by wednesday, back in full triaining intensity by the weekend, which then puts me back in a fever on monday.
The macho stupidity that has led to me ignoring it, and not sorting some anti-biotics before now. Is frankly shocking.
Yesterday I ran 15km at high bpm. Including a 430 step climb at over 160 bpm, watch beeping like feck, blowing massive snot bubbles, and wobbling about. Then later played 4 a side football for an hour. I am currently in a mild fever again. FFS.
I've been struggling to be honest. Turns out I've had a throat infection for over a month. Which explains why I've woken up every monday with a slight fever, recovered by wednesday, back in full triaining intensity by the weekend, which then puts me back in a fever on monday.
The macho stupidity that has led to me ignoring it, and not sorting some anti-biotics before now. Is frankly shocking.
Yesterday I ran 15km at high bpm. Including a 430 step climb at over 160 bpm, watch beeping like feck, blowing massive snot bubbles, and wobbling about. Then later played 4 a side football for an hour. I am currently in a mild fever again. FFS.