I had my Surly crosscheck stolen from London Bridge/Borough and Friday 7th June. Was built with a mismatch of parts. The photo shows an alfine hub but was running as singlespeed at the time of the theft as the hub was getting a service. The Alfine shifter and cable was still attached but not going anywhere. There is distinctive yellow electrical tape holding the cable to the down tube (I know, I had run out of cable ties). Other notable thing was it had a Brooks saddle which had scratches on the nose from when I have had it upside down changing a flat.
I am not holding out much hope, expect that it is being stripped for parts as I type this.
I had my Surly crosscheck stolen from London Bridge/Borough and Friday 7th June. Was built with a mismatch of parts. The photo shows an alfine hub but was running as singlespeed at the time of the theft as the hub was getting a service. The Alfine shifter and cable was still attached but not going anywhere. There is distinctive yellow electrical tape holding the cable to the down tube (I know, I had run out of cable ties). Other notable thing was it had a Brooks saddle which had scratches on the nose from when I have had it upside down changing a flat.
I am not holding out much hope, expect that it is being stripped for parts as I type this.
Stolen Bike Report: http://stolen-bikes.co.uk/stolen-bikes/surly-crosscheck/