Slightly related to Rogan's post above, yesterday I saw a roadie yelling at some slower riders for getting in his way at the lights. While it is indeed tedious to pull up at the lights just to have a bunch of nodders trundle in at all angles in front of you, I guess the whole logic of the ASL is to give cyclists as slower traffic a head start on the cars, so by this logic should faster riders allow slower riders a head start?
Given this guy had picked the far left of the lane to stop, I suppose the answer is that if you pick the position/line you need, you should be able to zip past after a couple of seconds patience and avoid getting cross.
Although, mid-junction sitters are tedious, and amusing when they can't actually see when the lights change. Super effective tactic for getting ahead.
Slightly related to Rogan's post above, yesterday I saw a roadie yelling at some slower riders for getting in his way at the lights. While it is indeed tedious to pull up at the lights just to have a bunch of nodders trundle in at all angles in front of you, I guess the whole logic of the ASL is to give cyclists as slower traffic a head start on the cars, so by this logic should faster riders allow slower riders a head start?
Given this guy had picked the far left of the lane to stop, I suppose the answer is that if you pick the position/line you need, you should be able to zip past after a couple of seconds patience and avoid getting cross.
Although, mid-junction sitters are tedious, and amusing when they can't actually see when the lights change. Super effective tactic for getting ahead.