So first trip out was a little bit of a false start. I managed around 15km before the back wheel stopped going round. It appears that there is very little room between the casette and the small inner bolt that connects the new hanger. The casette head had come loose (which may have been me not tightening enough admittedly). This photo shows that there is basically no room:
I got it home (long walk) and managed to find some spacers for a 9 speed casette that are slightly narrower than the 8 speed campy ones. It opened up the gap to a few mm:
I hope this works. Any comments on it would be a real help. Is this a normal size gap or too small? Would a small spacer to pull the frame out slightly be better?
So first trip out was a little bit of a false start. I managed around 15km before the back wheel stopped going round. It appears that there is very little room between the casette and the small inner bolt that connects the new hanger. The casette head had come loose (which may have been me not tightening enough admittedly). This photo shows that there is basically no room:
I got it home (long walk) and managed to find some spacers for a 9 speed casette that are slightly narrower than the 8 speed campy ones. It opened up the gap to a few mm:
I hope this works. Any comments on it would be a real help. Is this a normal size gap or too small? Would a small spacer to pull the frame out slightly be better?