RIP to Mr Powick, my A level geography tutor. I had one on one lessons with him as I was the only person taking the course. He was a great, no nonsense, teacher who genuinely cared about his student. He had a stroke previously and lost the use of his left arm but that didn't stop him throwing his board rubber with impeccable aim at me.
We had a trip to the cliffs on sheppey to look at fossils. We went in his car and he drove at high speed through the sheppey country lanes with his one arm. I shat my pants.
Mr P made longshore drift and glacial erosion interesting.
Took the opportunity of correcting that for you. Repped by the way - not enough personal but genuinely interesting posts on this thread. We can all identify with you for respecting a mentor like that.
Took the opportunity of correcting that for you. Repped by the way - not enough personal but genuinely interesting posts on this thread. We can all identify with you for respecting a mentor like that.